Engage 77
Remove the burden of what you think you should do in evangelism and discover a new joy for what you can do.
¡Disfruta de la aventura del evangelismo!
Welcome to Engage 77
Evangelism doesn’t have to be as difficult as it appears. Check out our promo video below!
El evangelismo no tiene que ser tan difícil como parece. ¡Mira nuestro video promocional abajo!
(Click HERE to direct download this video)
“It broke down barriers of intimidation and removed obstacles to sharing the gospel.”
Rollan Fisher | Lead Pastor, Second City Church-Chicago
“Necesitamos más de este tipo de entrenamiento en el Cuerpo de Cristo para obedecer la Gran Comisión.”
Ali Alvarez | Pastora de Espanol, Every Nation City Church-Los Angeles
“Engage 77 demystified evangelism for our students.”
Nick Russell | Campus Missionary, Texas Tech University
“Engage 77 was catalytic for our students. ”
Kennedy Smith | Campus Missionary, Oregon State University
Remove the burden of what you think you should do in evangelism and discover a new joy for what you can do.
Dios quitará la carga de lo que crees que DEBES hacer en el evangelismo y te dará una nueva alegría por lo que PUEDES hacer.